From the desk of Rodney Griffin
Candidate for Missouri City Council District A
I believe having a Math degree from UT@Austin, working at a senior level in a council manager form of government before, and running my own business for years makes me uniquely qualified to serve Missouri City and district A. I understand the importance of balanced budgets, measured growth and keeping our community moving in the right direction, having lived here for almost 30 years. We haven't always witnessed the best decisions by some of our current city leadership and I vow to keep a close eye on expenditures and needless waste.
Since helping lead the Texas Parkway revitalization effort several years ago with Councilwoman Cynthia Lenton - Gary and many others, I've remained steadfast in my commitment to revitalization of this area because it is crucial to the district I will represent and the city on the whole. Our property values are very much impacted if the deterioration of the corridor is allowed to continue while certain development companies are favored with special zones and abatements out on highway 6. During the last election, my opponent accepted campaign contributions from many Houston development companies with projects out on hwy 6. Not one of these companies had projects in district A. Why was she accepting such gifts and then voting on their projects? Why is she now endorsing my opponent and making large contributions to his campaign?
Like the United States, Missouri City is a multi-ethnic and multi - cultural city . Matter of fact sixty percent citizens of color reside here. Ethnic and cultural diversity is a socio-political reality in twenty -first century America, or one would think. Having a city work force that looks like all the citizens should not be a novel idea. Consider this: a high ranking Missouri City offficial asked me recently "Why is it important ?" His confusion about diversity's importance is unfortunately the mindset of too many local officials who make important decisions daily about our lives. Too many cannot see the connection between diverse staffing and quality service. Little wonder mentalities that do not deem ethnic and cultural diverity issues as important leave communities of color blighted as they are. Small wonder there are currently no African American firefighters in Missouri City. "All politics is local. " High ranking local officials determine who is protected and served, even who protects and serves. They determine the quality of our drinking water, or if there is drinking water.They determine who repairs sidewalks, or if there are sidewalks. They determine whose property values go up and whose property values are dumped. Unlike the canary in the coal mine who first consumes the poisonous gas, we must step it up before it is too late for us too.