Wednesday, April 1, 2009
FBW: Cain Holds Different View Of FBISD!
Position 2 trustee candidates hold different views of FBISD
April 1, 2009
Fort Bend school board president Sonal Bhuchar’s re-election bid is challenged by an opponent critical of what he describes as the district’s wasteful financial practices.
Bhuchar, a 48-year-old Sugar Land physical therapist, was elected to Position 2 in May 2006 and assumed the board’s presidency last year. She said she sees a changed school district over the past three years with achievements including new leadership, a comprehensive plan and a successful bond referendum. She said she played a role in the changes.
Opponent Carlos Cain, a 51-year-old self-employed oil field services consultant of Sugar Land, said changes in the school board following recent elections have not resulted in fundamental improvement in the district’s academic standing and the way school officials conduct business that he claims lacks transparency and accountability.
A recent highlight in their differences is the district’s proposed “global center for science and technology,” decried by Cain as a “pork barrel” waste but supported by Bhuchar, who is on a district-appointed committee to study the financial feasibility of the project.
Early voting runs April 27 through May 5. Election Day is May 9. . .
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