What's on county judge's opponents' minds?
February 25, 2010 12:47 pm Election News wrote:
Fresno electrician Rodrigo Carreon and Meadows Place optometrist A. Philip Aitsebaomo are the two Democrats eyeing GOP County Judge Bob Hebert’s seat in the March 2 primary.
A community activist who has been in numerous races for public offices in the county over the years, Carreon has frequently publicly voiced his concerns about his infrastructure- and resource-poor east-end community and won a legal battle – without an attorney - against the Fort Bend County Central Appraisal District over appraised value of his property.
Aitsebaomo was born in Nigeria. He studied optometry and received his doctoral degrees in America and has lived in Meadows Place for 23 years.
I asked both candidates why they are running for the county’s top job. Here is what they told me.
Carreon said he is running for county judge for the second time to ensure “fairness and justice for all” in the county and to protect taxpayers and property owners from government abuses.
“We need to save homes, businesses and public areas being affected by county and state policies,” he said.
He said he wants to prevent county property tax rate from rising, push for road renovation and make public water and utilities available for communities without them.
Infrastructure improvement would boost local economy and help reduce home foreclosures in the county, he said...
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