Pinnock files to run for Missouri City At-Large Position 1 seat
Missouri City resident, Noel Pinnock filed his candidacy this morning for the At-Large Position 1 seat in the upcoming Missouri City elections in May.
Pinnock will face incumbent Missouri City Councilman Jerry Wyatt, who has served on council since 1981. Wyatt was elected to the Position 1 At-Large seat in 1998 and has served as mayor pro tem from 1999-2005.
Pinnock, made an unsuccessful bid for a seat on the FBISD school board in 2007, and has shifted his focus to run for a seat on council this spring.
Pinnock, in a statement from his campaign website, said the time is now to take Missouri City to the next level.
“Our city has accomplished many great things over the years, however, our county is growing rapidly and Missouri City needs effective leadership, direction and vision to maintain a dominant presence in a very competitive market,” said Pinnock.
Pinnock, an experienced public servant, with a master's degree in public administration and city planning/urban development, believes it is the role of local government to protect and serve the rights of residents and to tackle issues ranging from health care to taxes.
“Let's face it, times are hard for everyone. We are all tackling increased costs in almost every facet of life. Balancing our check books or online banking accounts, undoubtedly, becomes more and more difficult with the uncertainty of our economy,” said Pinnock. . . (get the entire release at: