Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don Smith Returned To City Council Seat After Failed Gary Run Against Heavily Developer Backed Mayor Allen Owen...--click below--


UPDATE FORTBENDNOW (Wyatt calls for FBN boycott as retaliation for campaign coverage):

MCC Comment: Don Smith was the incumbent being pushed by Mr. Owen and backed by Houston developers in the 2007 run-off election whereby reform candidate, Cynthia Gary, won in a landslide. Now the special interest appoint him back to the district "B" seat...

Jerry Wyatt 8 Day Campaign Finance Reports-

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Machine Candidates Sweep In Missouri City--click the title link for full results--



MCC comment: Although the council seats in MC can still be bought, significant improvements seen in numbers for reform candidates over the at large races of 2006 and 2008 (44-45% voted against Nguyen while Owen's numbers dropped by almost 10%). Jim Babb wins in the FBISD race on a fiscally accountable platform. Thank you for your efforts Alumbaugh with strong numbers on a very minimal campaign budget! Congratulations also go out to reformers Silhavy, Tuffly for victories in their races!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Election Day Saturday

Polling locations for Saturdays races school board and city races:


Local Newspaper Publisher Has Harassment Charges Leveled Against Her

Local Newspaper Publisher Has Harassment Charges Leveled Against Her
Staff Report

In a recent twist of local politics, we have learned that harassment charges have been filed through the federal governments IC3 division, a partnership of law enforcement agencies including the FBI, NW3C & BJA (the Justice Department) against a local newspaper publisher who may have become over zealous in her work.

According to the report filed against a “Beverly Carter” of 4655 Techniplex Dr. in Stafford on Friday April 30th, the publisher was engaging in harassing activity against campaign volunteers in the Quail Valley subdivision of Missouri City, TX in an attempt to stop their lawful and federally protected efforts to inform the community of their candidates positions.

The report from the campaign volunteer stated, “Yesterday while campaigning in Quail Valley block-walking and distributing election materials, a person, later identified as Beverly Carter (a local newspaper publisher and supporter of the opposition candidates) started following myself and another campaign worker through the subdivision in an attempt to harass us and keep us from lawfully campaigning. She chased us through the neighborhood in her 3000 lb. SUV and then stopped at a friend of hers house (the Youngs) and began to take pictures of us in what I believe was an attempt to further harass us into leaving the neighborhood. Once I drove to another section of the neighborhood, she continued to follow and even cut off two lanes of traffic in front of me in an attempt to stop my forward progress and almost wrecked another vehicle coming the other direction.

These charges have been reported and are forwarded to the local law enforcement entities. In this case, the Fort Bend County Sheriffs Office for further investigation. One eyewitness of the alleged harassment, by Ms. Carter, later stated in a local blog that, “I was talking with the voters and handing out voter information with one Dr. Calvin on the day Bev Carter made many obscenely untrue claims in her paper. No one was running, stealing, going inside houses, or doing anything illegal, bizarre or slanderous except Ms. Carter. I was there, and I know this empirically. It is frightening that when people get involved in the political process, as more people desperately NEED to do, they are targeted, lied about publicly, marginalized by some in our news media.

This report will be updated as needed…